I wrote this poem 14 years ago! I have a notebook filled with poems I wrote in high school and college. I have written a few since then, but it seems life has taken on a new turn, a new season. :) I wish I could say that my writing is mine and could take credit for each pen, pencil stroke, or peck of the computer keys. What part of this life is our own except that it has been given to us as a gift of God? That is how I feel toward my words. They are God's gift. I accept them as a way to help make sense out of this crazy, sin blotched world we live in. As I looked at the sketch of Jesus holding the little child, I thought of my own son and how he snuggles his small, 3 month old frame close to me. When I am holding him, I am his strength and security. He can let down, relax, and fall asleep in the safety of my embrace. We can also do that with our Savior when the winds of life blow hard against our own fragile frames.
I have taken this poem out many times since then and I am always struck by its raw simplicity and honesty. May it meet you at your place of need.
Lord, Cradle Me
I sit here in this quiet place
Oh Lord, could it be that
Your mercy and grace
Truly like a river flows
Coming straight down to my soul.
You say that You placed me
Right here on this earth
For Your eternal purpose
As I accepted Your new birth.
But why is it that I
Keep doubting Your plan.
Why can't I just trust in
The guidance of Your hand.
There are times I love You so much,
My heart wants to overflow.
I tell You that I'm thankful,
That I'll never let You go.
But something happens then, Lord
Something I can't quite explain.
I love You, the I fall down
And don't recognize when You call my name.
Oh Jesus, precious Savior
Cradle me in Your arms.
When I cannot hear You call me
Please keep me from alarm.
I ask You to whisper to me,
Please calm me with Your hand
And when You sense I'm ready
Let me down and lead me by Your hand.
I thought that I could walk alone
Just knowing You are my hope.
But Jesus, I have failed and know
That on my own I cannot cope.
My one desire is You, Lord.
I want to live all my days in praise.
And when I lose that passion
Lord, remind me of that day
When You bore my sins upon You.
Now how can I be content to stay
In this place where once You called me
Now You lead me on Your way
I cry "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!"
When I start to go astray...
Oh Jesus, precious Savior
Cradle me in Your arms.
When I cannot hear You call me
Please keep me from alarm.
I ask You to whisper to me,
Please calm me with Your hand
And when You sense I'm ready
Let me down and lead me by Your hand.
A poem by Rebecca Joy
September 13, 1999

Such awesome and powerful imagery!
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