*This started out as an email yesterday and I decided to post it here:
If you are trying to reach me by phone today.....it started off as one of those mornings. The day started off really well! I woke up early, got things going on time, and started reading a really good book while I was feeding the baby. I am reading Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts. The chapter I was on talked about anxiety and stress, and how we respond to it. We can either choose stress and fear, or joy and hope. We can choose to pray and look up or wear ourselves thin with the wondering and worrying. I do the latter too often. :( The reading was so good and so powerful...I wanted to will myself to soak in those words and really live them out!!!
I didn't know I would recieve a mini-lesson so quickly, a chance to practice those faith muscles.....While trying to burp Hanson this morning, after he drank 8 oz of milk, he spit up everywhere, all over himself and my robe. I almost anticipated it coming.. he has been sleeping through the night and at times will get one good burp and there goes the first milk of the morning. :( I tried to prepare this time and wear my robe before getting dressed for the day...I went to throw everything in the washer, not remembering that I had placed my cell phone in the pocket of my robe. I went upstairs to wake up the girls, then all of a sudden remembered about my phone...too late...there was water all over it. Oh no! I wanted to friek out...I could see the faces of my girls, watching me. Wondering what I was going to do. I did choose faith this time! I have the phone sitting in rice and it will hopefully be revived soon (although the next morning when I tried to plug it in, it still would not work). The good news is that I was able to put Hanson's car seat back together correctly this morning after he messed through his diaper onto it last night! :) I ended up being super late to school due to that morning mishap, but people were so kind to help me out! To add insult to injury, did you know that the sliding doors on a mini van will not open if it is freezing outside?? I do now! I tried to open that thing to no avail and had to eventually give up and get all three kids in through the front seat. I was exhausted after that feat, and then I had to pull over on the way to drop the kids off at my mother in law's to push closed the back doors that still would not open but were jarred open by my earlier attempts at prying them open. I am sure I was a sight as I body slammed the van on the side of the icy road! Haha! I did not want them to go flying open when I was driving. So, fellow texters and callers, I am unavailable to contact in that way right now but I will let you know when my cell phone works again! A plus was that the girls were super helpful and cooperative this morning (some mornings are tough!!) and there was a gorgeous skyline on the way to work. Everyone is healthy and safe...just my poor cell phone bit it. I was late for work but was given grace by some super helpful co-workers and now I am ready to conquer this Friday afternoon! I may be worse for the wear, but I am still standing (sometimes with a smile on my face!). :) I hope you have a wonderful day!!!
PS) Interestingly enough, my flip calendar today says:
"There is always a time for gratitude and new beginnings." ~J. Robert Moskin~
I loved this email and I'm glad that you posted it! Thank you again for this book. It is so amazing and each chapter gets better and better. I'm going to have to read it more than once! :) I'm glad you were able to look past the crazy morning and find joy!
ReplyDeleteThank you! Me, too! We'll have to make a notebook of our favorite parts. Thanks again for coming over today and for letting me borrow the phone! :) You are always welcome! <3